When life’s four-by-four fence post
blindsides you from behind
and you find yourself cycling through
all the stages of grief in fast succession, only
they don’t end peacefully with acceptance
First, my dear, go for a walk
as far as your legs will take you
Breathe deeply, stride purposefully
Turn up the volume on your ear buds
Play music you can dance to
and, when instructed to, shake it off
Shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
Get back to yourself, to the earth
beneath your feet
When the worst of the shock has faded
and the anger sets in, my dear
Voice your complaint to the heavens
Quiet nothing but the inner censor
Say what needs saying, cry out
in frustration, sorrow and fear
That’s what prayers of lament are for
And when you’re ready, my dear
place your hands on your heart
or your gut, wherever
the pain and anxiety reside
touch tenderly the suffering spot
the part that cries or rages or freezes
Listen to the story of the pain
how it started long ago to be
reawakened so rudely
Ask its fears, its deep yearnings
even the gifts it offers
its good intentions
Assure it, saying, my dear,
I am here, I am listening.
What can I do for you?
When that part is soothed like
a hurt child after a tantrum
Only now, my dear, is it time
for the important question
asked in calm centeredness
What is mine to do?
