Tell me your name, murmured Moses
Yahweh, came the answer
So you taught us your name
an inhale: Yahhh
exhale: Wehhh
O God who blew the breath of life
into these mud nostrils
O Jesus who breathed the Holy Spirit
on your twelve
Sweet Spirit who comes
as a mighty rushing wind
bestow on us the grace of life: Yahhh
We breathe out thanks: Wehhh
Every inhale a gift
Every exhale a prayer
Yahhh, Wehhh
We begin and end with you
From the first sharp intake
before a newborn's wail
to the last deathbed rattle
as we end our years with a sigh
we breathe the name of God: Yahhh
and bless the name of God: Wehhh
Nor do we get to keep this breath
this holy wind all to ourselves
but we share it, each with our neighbors
for good and for ill
we're all in this together
Let us be ever conscious of our breath
as of our touch: with love and care
passing a greeting with a nod
a word, a blessing of the heart
trusting ourselves, our neighbors
this precious world to the Giver of life
Yahweh, the Giver of breath
by Celeste Boudreaux, April 16, 2020
